
The latest analysis and opinions in Bitcoin

Bitcoin in Bali in 2023 – Attendee voices

After Da Nang, Boracay and Bangkok - it was this time around on the good folks of the Balinese & Indonesian Bitcoin Community to...

International Bitcoin conference in Bali: Interview Dea Rezkitha

Only three more weeks until Indonesia Bitcoin Conference in Bali is kickin’ off and the friends orange coin across the region are mobilizing and buzzing...
Albert Buu of Neutronpay speaking at BTC Thailand Conference

Bitcoin Thailand 2023 in review – Albert Buu of Neutronpay

Attending this conference was of paramount importance. Bangkok is a city known for its juxtaposition of ancient temples and cutting-edge skyscrapers. Similarly, the financial...
Dominik (BitcoinVN) at BTC Thailand

Bitcoin Thailand 2023 – taking the orange pill in Bangkok

July 2023 saw the next large gathering for Bitcoiners in South East Asia - this time it was upon the Thai Bitcoin community to...
Bangkok - Thủ đô du lịch sôi động của thế giới đầu thế kỷ 21

Ahead of Bitcoin Thailand 2023 – Interview with Piriya (Rightshift)

The South East Asian Bitcoin Community is gearing up for another highly anticipated regional get-together. After Vietnam took the lead with LightningCon 2023 Da Nang...
Vào tháng 7, Những người chơi Bitcoin sẽ “đổ bộ” thủ đô Bangkok của Thái Lan

Ahead of Bitcoin Thailand 2023 – Interview with BOB Space BKK

For South East Asian Bitcoiners, the month of July stands in the sign of.the upcoming Bitcoin Thailand 2023 in Bangkok conference. Taking place on 15th...

Bitcoin Blockspace scarcity – what is to come?

THESIS: “There's at least a 20% chance ordinals are not a flash in the pan!” Response by Andrew Pantyukhin Some effects to consider: - Bitcoin blockspace finally...
“Understanding Lightning” report now available in Vietnamese - with added chapter on Vietnam Lightning ecosystem

“Understanding Lightning” report now available in Vietnamese – with added chapter on Vietnam Lightning...

Last summer the Japanese Lightning community spearheaded by the Diamond Hands community released the comprehensive report “Understanding Lightning”, covering the wide range of areas...
Bukele defies “the experts” - El Salvador pays 800m$ on maturing bond issuance

Bukele defies “the experts” – El Salvador pays 800m$ on maturing bond issuance

As it is common in this day and age, “the experts” keep their reputation and track record to be wrong about everything. In the world...

“Paper Bitcoin” – a time-proven attack by the masters of money on Bitcoin

By Jaffer Ali  BTC folks read on. As a former gold bug that still likes gold (however irrational), one learned about "paper Gold" and how...