Authenticate Trezor Safe 3

TL;DR: If you are looking to procure an authentic Trezor Safe 3 in Vietnam, our team has been selected as the official hardware wallet supplier by Team Trezor for many years. If you want to learn how to ensure your Trezor Safe is untampered and safe for use, read on. If your package arrived damaged, […]

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How to check if your Coldcard wallet is genuine

Special Tamper-Evident Bag Your Coldcard should arrive sealed in a very special bag: It has a large Coinkite logo, white digits/text, a blue tab, and a barcode with the number underneath. This ‘bag number” is important, as it matches the unique device number recorded in it’s firmware. Before opening the bag, please inspect the bag […]

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How to genuine check your Trezor T wallet?

If your package arrived damaged, open, or you are concerned that the item has been tampered with, please consult the following guide to confirm the authenticity of your new Trezor Model T. This article contains an overview of the contents of the Trezor Model T package, alongside a timeline of all the important changes to […]

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How to genunie check your Trezor One wallet

If your package arrived damaged, open, or you are concerned that the item has been tampered with, please consult the following guide to confirm the authenticity of your new Trezor Model One. This article contains an overview of the contents of the Trezor Model One package, alongside a timeline of all the important changes to […]

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BitcoinVN Shop – now official Coinkite reseller in Vietnam

BitcoinVN Shop has successfully achieved the status as first officially recognized Coinkite reseller in Asia, thereby once more adding to the many quiet achievements of Vietnamese Bitcoiners and Bitcoin companies. Canada-based Coinkite, one of the oldest Bitcoin businesses in this space, has made a name for itself by designing and manufacturing the Coldcard hardware signing […]

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What you need to know about the recent Trezor Hack (Jan 2024)

TL, DR: Never give your seed phrase to anybody! Trezor Company, the manufacturer of the popular Trezor hardware wallets, has recently suffered a security breach of their support site on January 17th, 2024. Their third-party support ticket portal was accessed by a malicious actor, leaking the confidential information of 66,000 users. This is not a […]

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Now available in BitcoinVN Shop – Tapsigner (Nunchuk style!)

The Tapsigner by Coinkite is now available in BitcoinVN Shop –  direct delivery within Vietnam without customs hassles. This is another one for the committed Bitcoiners, those who like their money boring and their security tight. Don’t be the “lowest hanging fruit”, ripe to be picked off in the newest exploit or pig butchering scam. […]

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