What is the APR number?

The APR number is the staking reward paid out to clients based on the current usage of the asset in question on BitcoinVN. This number is calculated dynamically. 

For more details, please refer to: 

“How does Staking on BitcoinVN work”

What is FDAPR?

FDAPR stands for “Fully Diluted APR.” 

This number displays the APR if the vault is filled to its (current) maximum capacity.

When are staking rewards paid out?

The rewards are paid out on an event-driven basis. 

Each time a swap is conducted on the platform, you will be rewarded a cut of the exchange fees.

How can I get notified of being paid my staking rewards?

You will receive updates either via email or, if you have set it up, directly to your Telegram via our BitcoinVN Telegram bot

If I stake for more than 3 months, the withdrawal will be fee-free, right?


If I stake multiple times at different points in time, how will the unstaking fee be calculated?

The fee is applied to any funds withdrawn within 3 months of depositing.

Why did the button disappear to stake more of a specific coin (e.g. Monero)?

Most likely, because the vault has reached its maximum set target capacity.

Since we limit the amount of capital users are allowed to deposit with us, you either

  • Will have to wait until other users unstake a sufficient amount
  • Purchase staking tokens on the secondary market
  • Hope that team BitcoinVN raises the staking vault size

More details can be found here:

The Monero staking vault is full – was I too slow?

Why is there no Bitcoin staking option?

Please refer to:

“Why is there no Bitcoin staking option?”

How are decisions made to provide staking vaults for a specific coin?

The decision to set up a vault for a specific coin is at the sole discretion of Team BitcoinVN. 

Some general guidelines during our decision-making process are:

  • What is the market demand for a specific coin/token?
  • Are people willing to ‘seed fund’ a new vault?
  • Technical and general infrastructure challenges regarding the specific coin/token.

We would like to state once more that BitcoinVN does not accept direct payments to list a coin/token that does not fulfill the aforementioned criteria.

Is staking with BitcoinVN safe?

It is a fully custodial service. 

As such, you rely on us not losing your money (hacks, negligence, or other criminal activities).

 While we have a long track record with over a decade in business, trusting third parties with your money always comes with risk. You should never allocate more than you can conveniently afford to lose.

If you are looking to upgrade your self-custody game, our colleagues at BitcoinVN Shop serve as the official supplier of various hardware wallets in Vietnam (Ledger, Trezor, Coldcard, Blockstream Jade), and our Consulting Team is ready to walk you through the process.”

What are my assurances if you get hacked?

Please refer to:

“What happens if BitcoinVN gets hacked?”