After a busy conference rally in 2023, from Da Nang to Boracay, Bangkok to Bali, this year has seen a significant slowdown in conferences organized in Southeast Asia.

LightningCon 2023 Da Nang - Review and Footage

While 2023 made up for the severe lack of social interaction during the lockdown years starting in 2020, it succeeded in delivering a high level of in-person interaction and networking to kickstart the region into high gear.

With that accomplished, local communities in their respective countries and cities have switched back to building mode.

After all, the hour is late, and much more infrastructure must be built, battle-tested, and distributed to prepare our life rafts as the world of old goes down in a flaming blaze with the global debt default drawing nearer.

In 2024, the Rightshift team, led by Thai Bitcoin legend Piriya, took it upon themselves to organize the only large public gathering of Bitcoiners in Southeast Asia, welcoming industry participants from around the region in the Thai capital of Bangkok on the 14th and 15th of September.

As some of our team members have been involved in the arduous task of organizing public conferences before, we know how much work, dedication, and sacrifice are required to make such an event happen.

It is one of the most challenging jobs out there and often comes at a financial loss for the organizers.

We are, therefore, glad to be in a position to support the efforts of Piriya and his team as one of the sponsors of the upcoming conference in Bangkok.

While our team presence this year will likely be smaller in numbers than in 2023 due to our own work commitments, you will be able to find our Co-Founder, Dominik, at or around the conference premises.

If you are interested in the latest developments around Bitcoin in Thailand and the wider region, we highly suggest attending the Thailand Bitcoin Conference 2024.

If that’s too far or the timing doesn’t suit you, our team plans to attend at least one more public event in Vietnam this year; the announcement will follow in due time.