It’s not just the community.
Bitcoin is actually decentralized and leaderless. Nobody can change the monetary policy, roll back the blockchain, or censor the network.
Not even Bitcoin Core has the ability to change consensus rules.
This also makes its scarcity absolute, and scarcity is key to holding value.
All other major crypto projects can be altered by their leaders.
Vitalik switched Ethereum to Proof-of-Stake, and even rolled back the Ethereum blockchain at one point when he and his friends lost funds gambling on some ICO.

Many said enthusiastically “YES!”
What followed was an Ethereum hard fork to bail out the burned clique of insider investors
”The fork simply took the money back from the hacker by rewriting the Ethereum ledger” , “the only way to really beat the hacker was to change the rules of the game” as Coindesk put it.
When creating a new universal global currency on which to base economies, you don’t want it run by secret cabals acting at the behest of world powers.
That is exactly the oppressive system we need to liberate ourselves from.
This reply has been handcrafted by BitcoinVN Security Consultant BTCMachineElf.
You can follow him for more on his socials: