USDT on Tron now available on BitcoinVN
After successful trial phases via the BitcoinVN OTC desk, USDT on Tron (USDT-TRC20) has been integrated into the BitcoinVN exchange.
It is after the widely...
Monero (XMR) now available on BitcoinVN
Starting immediately, Monero (XMR) is available on BitcoinVN for direct purchase/sale for VND or any other currently listed Digital Asset.
Monero was launched in April...
BitcoinVN moving to Odysee
Fairy tales do not give the child his first idea of bogey. What fairy tales give the child is his first clear idea of...
BitcoinVN – Vietnam’s oldest Bitcoin Exchange Service Provider launches major upgrade
When BitcoinVN was launched in early 2014 to provide the Vietnamese market with access to the new and fledgling Bitcoin network and economy, the...
Cash2VN – Quarter 2 2021 Review
Vietnamese crypto remittance platform Cash2VN released its updated quarter 2 usage statistics report.
While the majority of remittance volume is still conducted via the world’s...
Optimizing for Blockspace usage – BitcoinVN adding batched SegWit withdrawals
Vietnam’s oldest Bitcoin exchange BitcoinVN launched the option for their client base to pick batched transactions for order settlement; allowing them to save 50%...
Cash2VN – Quarter 1 2021 Review
Vietnamese crypto remittance platform Cash2VN released its updated quarter 1 usage statistics report.
As possibly the most notable change to previous periods remains the unrelenting...
Why we invested into Neutronpay
As announced this week our firm has been moving ahead with leading the Seed Round into Neutronpay, which has established itself over the past...
BitcoinVN leading Seed Funding Round in Vietnam’s Leading Lightning Service Provider Neutronpay
Vietnam’s premier Bitcoin Exchange Service BitcoinVN confirmed to lead the initial Seed Funding Round into Vietnam’s leading Lightning Service Provider Neutronpay.
BitcoinVN is taking a...
Send your love with Doge – Crypto Remittance Platform Cash2VN added Dogecoin
If you’ve got a soft spot for all things cute and furry - then maybe sending over your paycheck to your cutie with the cutest coin in existence is just the right choice for you!