Vietnam, the rapidly growing nation in Southeast Asia with a population of 100 million, has gained a reputation as a silent overachiever in recent years.
While it may not yet be recognized as a major economic player, the socio-economic development of this formerly war-torn country in the 21st century has been among the most impressive globally.

As a result, it has attracted a growing number of frontier entrepreneurs eager to participate and contribute to its rising strength and development. These entrepreneurs are willing to venture off the beaten track and carve out their own path in an underdeveloped yet rapidly advancing market with strong economic fundamentals for the years ahead.
Two individuals who departed their former home countries, now veering into the dark abyss of socialism and overall hostility towards value creators, are Viet Kieu Albert Buu from Canada and Dominik Weil from Germany.
In this episode of Beyond the Price, they engaged in a conversation with host Bradley Loewen discussing, among other topics:
- What problems Bitcoin solves in Vietnam
- The true state of Bitcoin adoption in Vietnam
- The accelerated pace of progress in 2023 in South East Asia
You can tune in to the full episode here: