As preparations for Asia’s last Bitcoin conference of the year, held in the ‘homeland of Satoshi Nakamoto,’ enter their final stages, we have reached an agreement with the organizers to serve as the title sponsor for the Base58 workshop on Friday, 20.09.2024,  at the upcoming Bitcoin Tokyo 2024 conference.

Base58 Bitcoin developer workshop in Tokyo

Now, what is Base58?

Base58 is a Bitcoin protocol school initiated by Lisa Neigut aka niftynei, aiming to deliver a solid foundation to anyone looking to potentially pick up a career as Bitcoin developer.

Base58 Bitcoin developer workshop

Base58 was started in 2021 as an attempt to provide a structured education approach towards Bitcoin education around the technical challenges and opportunities by interacting with the Bitcoin protocol.

Base58 educational offers range from their Bitcoin Developer basics flagship course over specialized courses such as Mempool Masterclass or the Wallet for Devs for more advanced Bitcoin developers to in-depth dives into newer Bitcoin protocol related developments around the Lightning Network or Taproot.

Lisa herself earned her merits as part of the team working on C-Lightning at Blockstream before she moved her focus towards Base58.

The origin of the “Base58”

The etymology of the name Base58 originates from the Base58 encoding, which was chosen by Satoshi in Bitcoin’s first release as a user-friendly way to represent large numbers in a more concise format.

The key advantage of Base58 over the standard 62-character alphanumeric encoding is that it omits easily confusable characters such as 0, O, l, and I, thereby reducing the potential for human error when reading the data.

The rise of Bitcoin development in the East

While Lisa herself is based in Texas, and most of the in-person educational efforts have so far been focused on North America and Europe, the growing influence of Asia is becoming evident in the demand and interest for Base58’s courses.

Earlier this year, Vietnam unexpectedly(?) ranked third in interest for one of Base58’s new courses, just behind India and, as expected, the United States.

As the world’s economic and manufacturing center continues to shift towards Asia, there remains a lack of resources for in-depth Bitcoin development education in the region.

The Base58 workshop in Tokyo is, therefore, a welcome development, and who knows… in time, a similar event might take place right here on our home turf in Vietnam. 🙂

BitcoinVN in support of Open Source

As a non-VC-funded local exchange from Vietnam, BitcoinVN is not in the position to provide the same financial support as other larger players in the industry, but we take pride in regularly contributing to Open Source projects within our available means.

After all, without Open Source tools, none of us would be where we are today

Previous projects we supported via our contributions include, Zeus Lightning and Blixt Wallet.

Bitcoin Tokyo 2024

Bitcoin Tokyo 2024 is the first Bitcoin-native conference in Japan, set to take place in the world’s most populous city, Tokyo.

With ties to early Bitcoin history, including ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’ and Mt. Gox, Japan has a unique place in the Bitcoin narrative.

Thanks to the efforts of the Diamondhands Community and Fulgur Ventures, Japan will host its most high-profile Bitcoin-centric event to date, marking a fitting conclusion to the 2024 conference cycle in Asia.

In addition to many prominent figures in Japan’s Bitcoin sector, the international speaker lineup includes among others Martti Malmi, Adam Back, Luke DashJr, and Giacomo Zucco.

Our Co-Founder Dominik will be present at the conference in Tokyo to represent BitcoinVN.