Since it is “Charlie-Munger-week” for everyone involved with the topic of handling money we would like to underscore one specific wisdom he shared with his followers:

“It’s remarkable how much long-term advantage people like us have gotten by trying to be consistently not stupid, instead of trying to be very intelligent”

Charlie Munger liked to invest in steel - and so should you
Charlie Munger liked to invest in steel – and so should you

…and while Munger might not have been a public fan of Bitcoin (“rat poison!”), this wise remark, by experience and observation, also very much spells true for your Bitcoin journey.

Don’t try to be a genius – but definitely avoid being an idiot.

And what is step number one of avoiding being an idiot?

Making sure that your backups are in place and secure.

You do not want – EVER – backup your seed phrase on an online connected device.

Cheaping out? (*nomnomnom*) – there goes the seedphrase!

So what’s the alternative?

While people initially resorted to old-school paper back-ups some people figured out the hard way, that paper does not withstand the test of time in the face of fire hazard, flooding, rodents becoming hungry for some cellulose in their diet or simply the ink fading away.

The solution is STEEL.

The miracle material that made much of the modern world we live in today possible.

The Crypto Steel plates allow for secure storage of your 12-24 recovery seed phrase (based on BIP-39 standard) and is compatible with all common hardware wallets such as Ledger, Trezor, Coldcard and Blockstream Jade.

A solid solution designed for durability through the years.

He who makes the steel, rules the world

You do not want to be the guy who got “early into Bitcoin” – and then has to explain to his descendants that he lost it all because he couldn’t be bothered to adhere to best practices to secure his stash.

…and since Multisignature is part of this best practice behaviour, we also got a three steel plate combo at a discounted price ready to ship.

Still feel confused about how this all works?

Our team of experienced Bitcoiners at BitcoinVN is ready to assist – book a consulting session with our team today.