On the path of convenience and technological advancement, cryptocurrencies have opened up a new world of financial transactions and online communication. However, scams are inevitable, especially in the realm of romance, where trust and commitment can be easily exploited. Let’s explore common crypto love scams and how to protect yourself from these unnecessary risks.

What is a love scams?

A love scam, also known as romance scamming, is a type of online scam where the scammer builds a romantic relationship with the victim in order to defraud them of money. Scammers often create fake profiles on social media or dating websites, using stolen photos and information to craft an attractive and trustworthy persona. Once they’ve established an emotional connection, they start making financial requests, exploiting the victim’s trust and affection.

Love scam takes your heart and money
Love scam takes your heart and money

How does the love scams unfold?

Social media love scams

Scammers often impersonate military personnel or individuals residing abroad. Their targets are typically middle-aged women (aged 30–50), who are less tech-savvy. In order to establish close bonds and trust, they take advantage of these women’s psychological need for companionship.

After gaining the victim’s trust, scammers will start making financial requests. They may claim to want to send gifts from abroad to the victim, often expensive items like iPads, laptops, phones, etc., to appeal to the victim’s greed.

The scammer will then inform the victim that the gift has been detained by customs for some reason, such as an expired visa or customs duties that need to be paid. The scammer will ask the victim to transfer money to a bank account or cryptocurrency wallet (through a specific exchange) that they provide to “resolve the issue” and promise to return the money once the gift is received.

Beware when talking to strangers on social media

E-Commerce platform love scams

When shopping online on platforms like Alibaba or Shopee, paying through the website’s gateway is the safest option. However, if the seller requests payment via personal transfer, this could be a sign of a scam.

A specific case is when a woman was deceived while buying a DJ sound system on an e-commerce platform. The seller asked her to transfer money by purchasing coins through another website, and then they would instruct her on how to transfer the money to them. After she transferred the money, the seller closed the website and could no longer be contacted. When she contacted the original website, she discovered that she had been scammed by someone unrelated to them. 

This is an important warning for online shoppers: always be cautious and use secure payment methods provided by the shopping website.

Scammers may also lure you into investing in unreliable or counterfeit cryptocurrency projects with promises of high returns. They may also fabricate financial difficulties to solicit victims to send money or pay for non-existent services.

Ensure that you pay on authorized e-commerce

Signs of crypto love scams: Protecting your heart and wallet

The world of cryptocurrency has opened up new avenues for investment and engagement, but it has also become a breeding ground for romance scams. These deceptive schemes prey on emotional vulnerability and the allure of financial gains, often leaving victims with significant emotional and financial losses.

Red flags to watch out for:

  • Rapid relationship progression: Scammers often rush into expressing intense love and commitment, showering victims with affection and compliments. This rapid emotional escalation aims to lower victims’ guards and make them more susceptible to manipulation.
  • Financial requests: Once a strong emotional connection is established, scammers start making financial requests. They may ask for money to help with supposed emergencies, investments, cryptocurrency trades, or personal needs.
  • Pressure tactics and threats: If victims hesitate or refuse, scammers employ pressure tactics like guilt-tripping, threats of self-harm, or even threats to expose personal information shared during the relationship.
  • Vague information: Scammers often provide vague or incomplete information about themselves, their cryptocurrency projects, or the services they offer. They may use fake photos, names, or success stories to conceal their true identities.
  • Requests for payments for non-existent services: Scammers may ask for payments for non-existent services, such as cryptocurrency brokerage, asset management, investment advice, or technical support.

Additional red flags:

  • Frequent cancellations of in-person meetings.
  • Constant excuses for being busy and unavailable.
  • Avoidance of questions about their personal lives and work.
  • Guilt-tripping and shaming you for not complying with their demands.
Do not send money or cryptocurrency for someone you have never met

How to avoid crypto-love scams

Exercise caution in online friendships

  • Limit online connections with strangers on social media, dating sites, or messaging apps.
  • Thoroughly research potential friends, including their photos, interests, occupations, etc.
  • Avoid sharing sensitive personal information like phone numbers, home addresses, or bank accounts with untrusted individuals.

Progress relationships gradually

  • Refrain from hastily trusting and falling in love with someone you’ve just met online.
  • Take time to genuinely get to know their personality, interests, and background.
    Avoid sharing personal secrets or financial details with someone you don’t fully trust.

Beware of high-profit promises

Scammers often lure victims with unrealistic promises of high returns from cryptocurrency. Remember, there’s no guarantee of profits in crypto, and you could lose all your money. Before investing in any cryptocurrency project, make sure to do thorough research.

Never send money to unmet individuals

This golden rule applies to any scam. Even if you’ve interacted online for an extended period, stay cautious and never send money.

Trust your intuition

If something feels off about the relationship, trust your gut instinct and cease communication. Don’t let fear or regret prolong a potentially harmful connection.

To protect yourself from fraud, pay close attention to the warning signs listed above

BitcoinVN and our efforts against cryptocurrency love scams

BitcoinVN, a reputable cryptocurrency exchange in Vietnam, has been facing the challenge of being exploited by scammers for illegal activities. Scam cases on the exchange not only cause financial losses but also affect the reputation and trust of users. In this situation, BitcoinVN is making every effort to support users and prevent the exchange from being abused by scam rings.

To protect users and combat abuse, BitcoinVN has implemented various measures, such as:

  • Strengthening monitoring and control to quickly detect and handle suspicious activities: This includes using modern technologies and tools to analyze and track transactions, as well as establishing automated alert systems.
    Providing warning information: BitcoinVN regularly publishes information warning about common scam methods on its website, fan page, and official communication channels.
  • Supporting users: BitcoinVN has a professional customer support team ready to answer any questions and assist users in cases of problems.
    Cooperating with law enforcement: BitcoinVN closely cooperates with law enforcement agencies to investigate, apprehend, and prosecute scammers.
  • Upgrading the security system: BitcoinVN is constantly upgrading its security system to protect users’ personal information and assets.

To protect yourself from the risk of scams, you should be aware of:

  • Exercise caution when providing personal information: Never provide personal information or account passwords to anyone, including those claiming to be BitcoinVN employees.
  • Accessing the official website: Only access the official BitcoinVN website at https://bitcoinvn.io/.
  • Being wary of phishing emails: Do not click on links or attachments in emails suspected to be phishing attempts.
  • Contacting support: If you suspect a scam, immediately contact BitcoinVN’s customer support for assistance via email at support@bitcoinvn.io.
BitcoinVN is always ready to support you


BitcoinVN is committed to providing a safe and secure trading environment for its users. The exchange is constantly evolving its anti-scam measures to combat fraudulent activities. Users are encouraged to stay informed about scam tactics, practice caution when interacting with online personas, and utilize the provided support channels if they encounter any suspicious activity. By working together, BitcoinVN and its users can create a more secure and trustworthy cryptocurrency ecosystem.