If you’re looking for the best way to convert your crypto into Vietnamese Dong (VND), this guide will walk you through all the steps and options available. Learn how to exchange crypto for cash in Saigon, Ha Noi, Da Nang, Hue… efficiently and securely now!
How to exchange crypto for cash in Saigon/Ha Noi/Da Nang/Hue
How to pick up VND from our cash office
If you’re wondering how to exchange crypto for cash in Saigon and prefer to collect the cash in person, we’ve made the process simple. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
- Step 1: Access BitcoinVN Exchange.
- Step 2: On the left side, select the cryptocurrency you want to convert. In this article, we will use USDC as an example.

- Step 3: On the right side, choose the “Cash Pick-up” option. Don’t forget to choose the location closest to you to pick up the money quickly and conveniently.

- Step 4: Enter the amount of money you want to convert and your phone number so we can contact you if needed, then click the “Swap” button.

- Step 5: Scan the QR code or copy the provided address and transfer the funds to complete the transaction.

Once your deposit is confirmed, we will contact you by phone to arrange the time and place to pick up the cash. You will be interacting with a team with years of experience, stemming from launching the first Bitcoin Exchange in Vietnam back in 2014.
- Step 6: Visit our office at the scheduled time to collect your cash.
How to exchange large amounts of crypto for cash in Saigon/Ha Noi/Da Nang/Hue
If you are planning to transfer more than 200 million VND per transaction, we can connect you with our Over-the-Counter (OTC) desk. Our OTC desk specializes in handling large transactions and will personally assist you throughout the process.
There are virtually no upper limits on the amount you can transfer, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience tailored to your needs.
Get in touch with us to book an OTC trade here.
How to exchange crypto for cash in Saigon/Ha Noi/Hoi An… and receive the money via ATM
If you’re transferring amounts below 20 million VND, you can usually pick up your cash directly from one of our Bitcoin ATMs in Ho Chi Minh City/Ha Noi/Hoi An…. This option is convenient, private, and allows you to collect your cash anytime during the venue’s opening hours.
Our customer service team is available to assist you in both English and Vietnamese in case you encounter any issues.
Instructions for converting crypto for cash in Saigon:
How to Prepare
- Appointments only: Our office operates strictly by appointment. It is not a walk-in location, so please make sure to schedule an appointment before visiting.
- Booking your appointment: After you’ve initiated your transaction, our team will assist you through the process of scheduling your appointment, ensuring everything is smooth and convenient.
Why choose BitcoinVN?
BitcoinVN is a long-standing cryptocurrency exchange in Vietnam, committed to providing services that are fast, secure, and affordable. Here’s why we stand out:
- Speed and Efficiency: Our streamlined processes ensure you receive fast service and competitive rates for all transactions.
- Trust and Security: With nearly a decade of experience, BitcoinVN is one of the longest-operating Bitcoin exchanges globally, giving you peace of mind knowing your transactions are safe.
- Expert Guidance: Our team is available for in-depth consultations, whether you need advice on cryptocurrency investments or wallet selection.
- Physical Presence: We have multiple convenient locations across Ho Chi Minh City, Ha Noi, Da Nang, Hue…, making it easy for you to access our services in person.
Still Have Questions?
- Explore Our Resources: Visit our news page and subscribe to our newsletter for valuable information and updates about cryptocurrency and our services.
- Read Our Reviews: Check out what our customers are saying about us on Trustpilot to get insights into their experiences with BitcoinVN.

Ready to Get Started?
Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about our services.