by Lukas Duczko, CEO of Blink

While the US government is accelerating its efforts to adopt Bitcoin, the EU together with the ECB are accelerating their efforts to adopt totalitarian money. 

BIS chairman Agustin Carstens has ideas for your money
BIS chairman Agustin Carstens has ideas for your money

In the words of BIS Chairman; a CBDC gives “absolute control over the expression of central bank liability”.

Meaning that, while the US is seemingly embracing its roots as a land of the free, Europe is embracing its roots as a continent of feudalism and serfdom.

ECB chair Lagarde excited for the future of the €uro
ECB chair Lagarde excited for the future of the €uro

In the name of technology the European technocrats will launch a new era of Cold War East European totalitarianism, supported by the most advanced surveillance tools in history, AI, laws to enforce thought policing and a new form of “money” that gives them absolute control over the time of their citizens.

If Europe continues down this path it will become a totalitarian hellhole that will completely undermine the productivity of its citizens.

Centrally controlled European currency not much in demand vs Freedom money - a Euro buys now barely above 1,000 Sats
Centrally controlled European currency not much in demand vs Freedom money – a Euro buys now barely above 1,000 Sats

A new Cuban-style continent will arise, where neighbors will report each other to the Central Thought Police Authorities and dissenters will be shipped off to the Thought Reeducation Camps.

Eventually Europe will become a curious museum of times gone, where people live “like in the 90s” and tourists from all over the world will come and watch how people lived in the past and what happens when the government takes total control of everything.

Old buildings and crumbling infrastructure - the vision of Europe for the 21st century?
Old buildings and crumbling infrastructure – the vision of Europe for the 21st century?

Some tourists may be kidnapped and accused of thought crimes against the power, like modern day tourists to North Korea are sometimes whisked off to prison to never be seen again.

In time the misery of Europeans will get to the point that human smugglers will make good business shipping Europeans to the North African shores from which they can seek a better life on other continents.

And they will all have to leave with nothing but their clothes, because the CBDC regime has been so perfectly implemented that nobody can buy anything but confiscatable assets like securities held by EU custodians, paper gold and other commodities and EU land and all assets will be seized at exit.

This is why I tell all my non-orange pilled European friends to get “a 1984 insurance policy” (Bitcoin), just in case the worst case scenario becomes true.

I hope not, but Europe has a history of going overboard with insane ideologies and dystopian governance implementations and the CBDCs and other modern technologies will enable them to take it further than was ever possible before in history.

Good luck to my fellow European brothers and sisters, I wish you the best!

But I’m not staying around to see this shitshow play out over the next few decades.

That’s why I left Europe 8 years ago and don’t see myself back possibly for the rest of my life.

About the Author:

Lukas Duczko is a Europe-originating entrepreneur who relocated to Asia and Latin America after seeing his continent of origin heading down the wrong path for entrepreneurs.

Lukas has been a strong supporter of the local Bitcoin community in Vietnam and, in 2024, took on the role of CEO of Blink Wallet, El Salvador’s leading private Bitcoin company.

This article was originally published on 𝕏 and has been republished and translated with the author’s permission.