How to deposit VND cash to buy USDT on BitcoinVN is a straightforward and fast process. In this guide, we will walk you through each step, making it easy for you to deposit VND cash to buy USDT.

How to deposit VND to buy USDT on BitcoinVN in Saigon, Danang

To deposit VND cash to buy USDT on BitcoinVN exchange, you will first need an account. Now you can also create an BVN account via Telegram for fast and secure progress.

After that, please follow these instructions to deposit VND cash to buy USDT:

  • Step 1: Access the BitcoinVN exchange.
  • Step 2: Login to your BitcoinVN account.
  • Step 3: In the “you send” section, please search and click on VND Cash (Saigon) or VND Cash (Danang).
Click on VND Cash in ‘’You send’’
Click on VND Cash in ‘’You send’’
  • Step 4: In the “You receive” section, please search and click on USDT TRON.
Click on USDT TRON on ‘’You receive’’

Step 5: Enter the amount of money in VND you want to deposit and provide your USDT TRON address to receive the funds.

Add a note if you want to specify a different account or include additional information.

Click on “Swap” to process the transaction.

Instruction for your cash deposit cash.

Once you click “swap,” you need to send an email to or contact us via the Web widget to get assistance with the cash deposit. 

Our support team will provide you with our address and schedule an appointment for you to drop off the cash. They will assist you throughout the process until you complete your order and receive USDT in your wallet. Alternatively, you can store USDT in your BitcoinVN account using the VND Cash Saigon/USDT or VND Cash Danang/USDT balance pair.

With just a few minutes and 5 simple steps, you can deposit VND cash to buy USDT TRON using your BitcoinVN account.

Remember that if you are storing your money on the exchange, we strongly encourage you to set a strong password and enable 2FA to keep your money safe. Alternatively, you can transfer your funds to a hardware wallet like Ledger, Trezor, or Coldcard to maximize the protection of your assets.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I deposit VND Cash to buy USDT?

For now, the VND cash deposit to buy USDT is only available in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) or Danang.

Is KYC required when depositing VND cash to buy USDT?

No, you do not need to complete KYC.

Is there any deposit fee or how does the arrangement work for a cash deposit?

Yes. The transaction fee for this service is 200,000 VND + 0.5% of the transaction volume. The fee is included, and the amount you see on the right side is what you will receive.

>> Changes to VND Balances on BitcoinVN