After Da Nang, Boracay and Bangkok – it was this time around on the good folks of the Balinese & Indonesian Bitcoin Community to host the Bitcoiners from across South East Asia and a plenitude of visitors from even further abroad.

The bar had been set high by the previous congregations and the pressure on the organizers in Bali was high to deliver – but in the end the feedback by all attendees was overwhelmingly positive and we’re all looking forward to more in 2024.

If you have been missing out on Bali this year (a missed opportunity!) you can read up below what some of the attendees thought about their visit to the Indonesia Bitcoin Conference.

Piriya (CEO & Founder Rightshift – Organizer Bitcoin Thailand Conference):

“There’s a lot to like about the contents, but what I really find interesting are all the side events, from dinner parties, morning runs, just hanging out with other plebs at the lobby, and mountain climbing. I think it was all a memorable experience.

The Bitcoin bull vs Dinosaur Banker show was also pretty interesting. Maybe I’m viewing this from an event organizer point of view, but I had a lot of fun and made a lot of friends during my stay in Bali.”

Jake Woodhouse (Curator “My Bitcoin Book Bible”):

“Wow. Where to begin? The Indonesia Bitcoin Conference was without doubt one of the funnest weekend I’ve ever had! Meeting people in person, talking Bitcoin, and learning about everyone’s journeys was so empowering. Who are all these people? What do they know? Why do they see value in Bitcoin? Questions that spark infinitely fascinating discussion in my mind. I can’t wait for the next one!”

Dea Rezkitha (Organizer Indonesia Bitcoin Conference):

“As the organizer of the conference, we are overwhelmed with the amount of positive feedback from the attendees. The first in person conference was a success with 533 people attending from all over the world. We hope that Asia will be the destination for the Bitcoin conference!”

Piccolo (Curator of Bobspace Bangkok – South East Asia’s Bitcoin hatchery)

“The Indonesian Bitcoin Conference 2023 in Bali was chalked full of alpha. In addition to great topical talks on the Main Stage, the Satoshi Stage provided a smaller and more interactive format for insightful discussions with the speakers in the areas of mining, privacy, open sourced development, etc. The inaugural in-person conference was a great success. Look forward to the next one.”

Albert Buu (CEO & Founder Neutronpay):

“I am impressed by the vibrant and welcoming climate for Bitcoin and Lightning Network advancements in Indonesia, a country that is demonstrating a strong, positive outlook on these transformative technologies. I’m eager to bring Neutronpay into this promising market to not only enhance awareness but also to facilitate seamless adoption, contributing to Indonesia’s burgeoning digital economy. The conference was a good indicator of a promising future for Bitcoin in the country.”

Obi Nwosu (Co-Founder of Fedi): 

“The Bali conference was a great introduction to the SE Asian Bitcoin scene. What the local scene lacks in size compared to some of the other more established regions globally, it more than makes up for in the engagement and charm of the community. For me personally, I gained a ton of insights into the challenges and priorities that last people to Bitcoin and the greater Bitcoin ecosystem.”

Fabian Rodriguez (Operations Manager Bitcoin ATM Department – BitcoinVN):

”The conference was great! A good mix of prevalent topics, technological talks and range of speakers- Humanitarians, miners, anarcho-capitalists, cypher-punks, Islamic thinkers, Devs.

The commodity of SE Asian Bitcoiners support was also a treasure to witness.

And lastly, the convenience of being where all the amenities of being in Bali was a plus! Production with the infusion of Balinese culture was captivating and well planned.”


Make sure to follow the Indonesia Bitcoin Conference to remain up to date on the dates & plans for the 2024 event!